New Snowboard

Just saying I got one.

Slash “Straight” – Big mountain carver for direct lines down the mountain. Camber/rocker/camber

Nose 6/10

mid 3/10

tail 3/10

Beautiful dark midnight blue.

2015 model   Awarded “Good Wood” by Transworld Snowboarding.



The top three things my dad believes about millenials and their relationship with our country.

This is an interesting list to do. I just had a really nice conversation with my pops about Politics.

Please note, these three things are very personal. Basically they are three statements that he said in five minutes about his view of my relationship with news and the values of this country. They are certainly ideas that exist. Their validity and relationship with reality however is a bit tenuous.

1. They don’t listen to the news.

This is an interesting one. I think my pops may be confusing listening and agreeing. I certainly do listen to the news though there are a ton of things that I do not listen to. I do a lot less listening than reading. Reading is more interesting to me, because I get a little bit of freedom of choice. There is a choice in what stories I consume and I don’t have to listen to the media outlets dumbed down version of events. I can do some research into the idea presented and can weigh differing opinions. I think the missing link here is that he believes that if I actually listened, considered and understood the new, that there is no way that I would not agree with the news that he enjoys. This i believe is part of the problem. I do listen to a lot of news and I have the lucky ability to MAKE UP MY OWN MIND, and not be tied down by agreeing to the statement shoveled into my face by the 24 hour news system. So there is one.

2. I don’t know how this nation was founded.

Well, I believe that magical faeries came down out of the sky and god said, “and may justice ever be under me and may the white men flourish in the land.” “Let the angelic milky skinned people, my beloved run rampant like an enchantment wiping the red skinned from the world.” And God continued, being ever so longwinded, he continued, “May the white people burn the homes of the red, may they destroy their way of life.” and praise be to god. “The white people have my blessing to slaughter everyone they see fit to slaughter and rape this land into their own image. For the world is yours blessed, oh blessed whites, and may you shun every immigrant to this land like lethal fraternity initiation and continue to propagate division where ever you go.”

3. He does not believe that I understand what our freedoms are.

I think the issue here is that he also believes that the only issue is the right to bear arms. That this is the only thing that matters. That all roads lead through the right to bear arms. This is interesting as there are actually other laws that are fairly important and independent of the ability to wield fire arms.





I began this blog in 2012. At the time embarkation on a trip to Peru and Bolivia was imminent. I had just experienced one of the best summers of my life and looked forward to a massive adventure.

In October, I left Portland to spend some time in Denver with my family. After a week of that, I flew standby frontier to Fort Lauderdale. My LAN flight to Lima was the next evening out of Miami International, so I chilled out at a local hotel, ate sopa de mariscos and spent the early part of the next day wandering around nearby parts of Miami.

I returned to Portland 3 years ago.

And am still in its WA metro area. Vancouver, WA

Wrote a novel. So that’s cool.



Old Photos

Journal – Grad School – 10-21-17

I spent 3 hours yesterday and 2 hours today filling out a grad school application chart on a big piece of butcher paper. With all the myriad requirements and their subtle differences.

Sample length, Statement of purpose length and subject, deadlines, teaching statement, personal statement bio, academic statement, funding, city, cost of living, pertinent program details.

I have a little less than 2 months before the deadline of Dec. 15th. 55 days.

One of my stories has been through one round of revision, Slip and Fall. The other is up for revision this week. I have 2 out of 2 references secured. I am applying to 10 different schools. Which will probably end up being only 8 as i narrow them down. From what I have read it is good to cast as wide a net as possible when applying for the Creative Writing MFA.

This is all a lot of work to do for something that as such a small chance of success. If  I don’t get in this year, then I will be better at applying next year. So there is that.

The urgency to work on, polish, and revise helps improve the writing. Always a good thing.

So I keep plodding along in this quest to find a school that wants me to write within its hallowed halls.





Been long time…Freewrite

Been long time since I went to the mountains. Since I wet the bed as an anxious child. I am still anxious. Considerably fewer bed wetting incidents. Got better bladder muscles ya know? Not afraid of the dark, was afraid of the dark. Made it hard to get up and pee at night. Now I like night. Like night a lot.

World don’t ledyoufurged your m’stakes. Loves ta pummel n’ spit allover your spirit. Solidates ‘tall inta ‘lil blocks o’ pain. Na super heavy, nah super lite.

Ialwayshadapee. Drink too much water. radder dat den nod enuff.

Am a condwit ta my kidderneys.

Big ‘ol beans ‘n my side.

Nephrons all fusssin’ round ‘n stuff

Nphrons fildering. Hope I ne’er ged a kidnerney stone. Dadberuff.

Uncle god ‘is kidney stone mounted to a ringngabe id ta my aunt for valernteens dee.

Calld iid is baby. Birthed thru ‘is urethrer.

Nod somming i wouldo

Dis beer is really good. I lige dat gurls had. ‘scute.